
In Ukraine, the main indicators of early cancer diagnosis and treatment quality are 2-2.5 times lower than in developed countries. In particular, during the first year after diagnosis, twice as many patients die than in Western European countries.

Based on the analysis of the main trends in the treatment of cancer patients, it becomes evident that in some Western European and North American countries, health care systems have been able to achieve first stabilization, and then a reduction in mortality from the most common visual malignancies. This is primarily due to the full-scale implementation of national screening programs.

In Ukraine, organized screening is most needed for cervical cancer, breast cancer, and skin cancer. These oncological diseases have the most negative impact on the labor and demographic potential of our country. The experience of developed countries shows that systematic work in primary prevention can realistically reduce the incidence and mortality rates of cancer. The role of primary care physicians in this fight is extremely important.


Continuous improvement of the professional level of primary care physicians has a significant impact on the effectiveness of breast cancer, cervical cancer, and skin cancer screening since it directly affects their ability to properly examine the breasts and lymph nodes, identify skin neoplasms (including the ability to use a dermatoscope), and properly collect material from the cervix.

Unfortunately, there are no specialized training programs for family doctors and obstetricians-gynecologists working in primary health care in Ukraine. This is a significant problem that needs to be addressed systematically and effectively.

Within the framework of the "Professional Development Program for Healthcare Workers," the Foundation organizes educational events for general practitioners-family doctors and obstetricians-gynecologists, aimed at improving their professional skills for conducting proper and high-quality screening for cervical cancer, breast cancer, and skin cancer.During the training, oncologists conduct the following trainings and master classes:
• Proper examination of the breasts and lymph nodes;
• Examination of skin neoplasms and skills in using a dermatoscope;
• High-quality sampling of material from the cervix.